OPTIMA dosing is a self-learning professional filling designed for liquids semidense in general, able to satisfy multiple needs in terms of capacity of the containers, filling speed, accuracy of the filling level, the type of containers used. The possibilities are many: food liquids (OIL, WINE, JUICE), cosmetics (ESSENTIAL OILS), DETERGENT LIQUID (soap). The minimum capacity is 8 milliliters, while the maximum capacity only has a limit in the size of the container to be used compatible with the size of the machinery. It is possible to fill Glass, Alluminium, PET, flexible bags.
SIMPLICITY: the filling is fast and completely automatic: the user must select the container to fill and start the machine, deciding whether to run multiple filling cycles or only one cycle. The setting of various sizes to fill takes few seconds, using the function NEW: the operator decides the filling speed for each individual size, having the ability to set a double speed in cases it is considered appropriate. In addition, it is always possible to change the parameters going to make increases or decreases the minimum amount loaded (± 1 mL).
OPERATION: the filler is equipped with a dosing gear pump made entirely in stainless steel, controlled by an electronic speed variator, and a PLC with dedicated software. Using the multi-color touch screen display, it is possible to access all the functions and settings of the machine displaying various formulas, set the parameters and new storage function. The pump used is self-priming and it is sufficient to connect to the storage tank of the product to be able to start filling.